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New summits are just
a conversation away!

Initial Consultation



If you’re interested in our services and would like to get more information about how Annapurna Coaching can help you reach new summits, please Contact Us for a free 30-minute consultation.

During that initial consultation, we will give you an overview of our coaching styles and describe how we work in alignment with the principles of ADLER and the International Coaching Federation (ICF). You will have the opportunity to ask us anything you want about coaching and get clarity on how our services can help you achieve your specific goals. Maintaining confidentiality, building trust and establishing a true and transparent relationship are key to any coaching process, as is your willingness to be open and embrace feedback. If you feel that those ingredients are present in our first interaction, then your coaching journey has begun!

Coaching Agreement

Once you have confirmed your desire to move forward with coaching, you will receive a welcome package that includes the Coaching Agreement, an initial questionnaire and assessments that will help identify your strengths, values and give your coach a better sense of your current challenges and opportunities for development.

Discovery Session

The next step of your coaching journey will be a one-hour Discovery Session. This is a face-to-face meeting with your coach where you will explore your current strengths and values, identify your purpose and enter into a coaching mindset. The Discovery Session is designed so that both you and your coach can get a better understanding of what is important and what should be the focus of your subsequent coaching sessions in order to achieve the most success and fulfillment.

Coaching Sessions


Following the Discovery Session, there will be subsequent Coaching Sessions, usually in a 30 or 60-minute format. These sessions are face-to-face in the beginning, with an opportunity to switch to phone or video-conferencing as you move further along in the process. Video-conferencing and phone coaching sessions are easier to schedule and help avoid commuting time without impacting the quality of the coaching conversation.



It’s important to remember that the coaching agenda is fully yours. Only YOU can define the focus of your coaching sessions – not your coach, not even your friends or your family.


This is one of the main reasons coaching is such an effective and empowering process. It is your unique agenda and the focus is on helping you discover what you want and what will enable you to live your best life. Your coach is there to provide you with space, time and questions so that you can reflect on what’s important, enhance your awareness, build your confidence, learn to trust yourself, explore new opportunities and make decisions that will you help you achieve your goals and reach new summits. With Annapurna Coaching, each coaching journey is unique and tailored to your needs “sur-mesure.” Contact us today and find out what’s right for you.